In conclusion, let's do it! Windows XP is a very mature product at the moment, and all hardware and software can support it perfectly. Before we start to purchase a new PC, we need to answer a few questions for ourselves:
- Do I want a notebook or desktop? - Notebooks are getting cheaper and cheaper, more and more powerful and popular, click here for all range of notebooks from all major brands. But notebooks have limited scalability and not that comfortable when you're using it for long at home or in the office. For myself, I already got a Sony VAIO notebook, so I'll go for a desktop this time.
- Do I want a branded desktop or DIY? - If you're buying for your company, go for the branded business desktop PC, click here for all range of business desktop PCs from all major brands. But if you're looking for multimedia PC for your home, Do-it-yourself! Why? It's cheaper, better, fully customised to your needs. But the drawback is the low system stability if you don't build it properly.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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