Let’s start from #70 today…
(Data Source: PC World)#70 In2M Mvelopes Personal 3This is an online service for managing your spending. It costs US$8
(NZ$12) per month with 2 year plan.
#69 RhapsodyAn online music service allowing you to listen to over 2 million songs for free – www.rhapsody.com
#68 Cerulean Studios Trillian 3.1Yes - another free instant messaging software. It has a beautiful interface and supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC - http://www.ceruleanstudios.com
#67 Samsung LN-S3251DThis 32” LCD TV from Samsung is one of the best. It has a price tag of US$1,799
(NZ$2,743). Looking for a LCD TV? Then click the link for
LCD TVs of all sizes.
#66 Corel Painter IX.5The Corel Painter IX.5 is a very popular painting and illustration software and is currently sold for US$199
(NZ$303). You can download the free trial from
here. If you still prefer graphics software from Abode, click the link for pricing and information of all
Adobe Multimedia & Graphics software.
#65 Meebo (alpha)And another free instant messaging service! By using Meebo, you can connect to AIM, ICQ, Jabber, GTalk, Yahoo! Messenger and MSN when you’re away from your own PC. – www.meebo.com
#64 Dell UltraSharp 3007WFPHow big is your current monitor? If you’re using 17” or 19” models, this 30” Dell LCD monitor may seem like a billboard to you. It has a native resolution of 2560x1600 and costs NZ$2,899. If 30” is too big for you, click the link for
LCD monitors of all sizes from all major brands.
#63 Asus A8N32-SLI DeluxeThis US$200
(NZ$305) motherboard supports AMD Socket 939 Athlon 64 FX/Athlon 64 X2/Athlon 64/Sempron CPUs, True Dual X16 SLI graphics, RAID and six SATA ports. Looking for other
AMD and Intel motherboards? Click the link to check them out.
#62 T-Mobile SDAA mobile phone that has a Windows Mobile, supports cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and costs US$300
(NZ$457). Unfortunately, it’s exclusive to T-Mobile in the U.S., but click the link for all the
Smartphones which are available for Kiwis.
#61 Kosmix.comDo you only use Google to search something? Kosmix is another search engine which may catch your attention. It categorises search results into major content areas of Health, Video Games, Finance, Travel and US Politics.